Book Summary.
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© Alastair Sammon 2021

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There is no common agreement about the aetiology of Squamous Cancer of the Oesophagus (Esophagus) in Africa.


Until there is agreement, then action may not be taken to reduce the incidence of this disease which besets many communities in Africa, is nearly always incurable, and kills in a slow and particularly miserable way.


The book is intended to be a resource for researchers, a catalyst for ideas for research into the aetiology of ESCO, and an attempt to interpret all the data available and make sense of it.

SCO Africa Book

Book Draft v0.1

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SCO - Squamous Cancer of the Oesophagus (Esophagus) was rare in East, Central and Southern Africa until the 1930s. Its incidence has risen since then to make it one of the commonest cancers in the region, and in some areas the leading cause of death.